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Sign by Danasoft - Myspace Layouts and Signs

Sabtu, 16 September 2000

Is He or She Truelly Your Couple ?

Simple several things to consider do he fought for competent

Chosening couple live (it) is true have to beware of . Wight seed of bebet not merely simply insignificant advise of old fellow . That [is] really something that have to be considered . But there are some matter of simple which can assist us in approach phase early to be able to consider do this fought for competent people to become our couple candidate to the fore wait

1. How its reputation?

Oftentimes we dream " to alter a wild become one who [is] kindhearted", but dream that [do] not always become fact . In consequence if reputation one who we take a fancy to that [is] very ugly outside there , we better take a care and think twice or possible thrice

2. Recognizing each;every conversation with him.

In each;every conversation, important to we know [is] [whether/ what] he is a " pecinta of ownself" or non . If he [is] type which always focus [at] x'self compared to [at] us, this [of] unfavourable sign, especially if us wish serious with him later on day

3. Know its [his/its] history.

Do our gebetan this famous as the worker of gonta change girlfriend? If former its girlfriend there [is] 12 though its age newly 23 year, we really have to beware of, in consequence mean he/she have problem with one word entitling ' komitmen . We can will only become " number girlfriend 13" to its[his] .

4. Do balmy us bersama [him/ it]?

There [is] one who we take a fancy to but make our own is not balmy . Probably because its harsh Ianguage, way of dressing him which is - just downright- making shame, or him behaviour which sometime as bold as brass . If yes, better to think first to make sweetheart lover him

5. How he is [at] its family.

How he treat its family and how he relate to its yous [is] important matter correct readinging . Big commemoration emerge if one who you take a fancy to to like to get across its own [sister/ brother] or harsh [at] its old fellow

6. Realize influence of its attendance [at] you spirituality.

This [of] top-drawer poin . Before us and the him start more serious [relation/link], we have to start can assess from various side, is attendance of special people [of] that us give influence both for us spirituality or [do] not . Do its attendance make diligent us pray or [oppositely;also] become lazy pray [is] at all? Do bersama [him/ it] make us become to fall in sin or [do] not? Poin the core important [is], [together/ along] with x'self have to make spiritial life [of] us go up and non going down!! If bersama dengan [him/ it] make our spirit become to weaken, just leaving is [of] day-dream to bersama [him/ it]

7. Conceiving which far to the fore.

Its intention, we have to start to have shadow a nuptials with x'self . If conceiving to become wife / its just husband make we feel bizzarely, don't continue . Conceiving also do he can become father / mother which both for our children wait . If attitude and [his/its] character very doubting of for that, meaning this a red light to we [is]

8. Others have to esteem.

Opinion of old fellow, opinion of friend, opinion of head, we have to listen. Usually they which have " blind by love" cannot see everything objectively. In consequence opinion of key man considered. If everybody closest say [do] not, there is nothing wrong to consider again decision of you

If most of all from 8 simple matter above flange to negative something that about one who we take a fancy to, why have to be confused again? People around we may propagate falsehood that " we have to have girlfriend . Though [do] not . So much divorce that happened because this falsehood . They force x'self have an affair with one who wrong just because wish to have girlfriend and finally do that wrong people marry . And regret only coming later;then, " if me more is taking a care [of] time of pacaran first . In consequence, there is nothing wrong for us to AWAIT until one who best to we are from God, arrive.

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